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Terms of Use

No part of this website may be reproduced or distributed in any form for commercial purposes without prior written permission from MISTIQUE EVENTS. The logos, trademarks and brand names used on this website belong to their respective owners.

The content and information on this website is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind, MISTIQUE EVENTS expressly disclaims all other warranties, expressed or implied, including but not limited to, warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non infringement of third party rights.

MISTIQUE EVENTS, its partners, associates, affiliates and agents will not accept any responsibility or liability for direct, indirect or consequential damage, loss or disruption, arising from the use or the inability to use the content on its website and/or the content on other websites, linked from this website.

While reasonable efforts have been made to ensure the fitness of use and accuracy of the content provided on this website, MISTIQUE EVENTS cannot guarantee the fitness of use and accuracy of the content. MISTIQUE EVENTS reserves the right to make any necessary modification, fix and update to the content on this website without prior notice, including this page.

Privacy Policy

MISTIQUE EVENTS respects your privacy and confidentiality as a visitor to this website. This privacy policy outlines how MISTIQUE EVENTS collects and uses the information provided by its visitors. It gives you a peace of mind, should you decide to share any information with MISTIQUE EVENTS.

Collection of Information

If you decide to share any personal information(name, email address, phone numbers, interests, etc.) with MISTIQUE EVENTS, the information may be stored and used for research purposes, marketing initiatives and correspondence. MISTIQUE EVENTS assures you that your personal information will not be disclosed to any other party, with the exception of partners, associates, affiliates and agents of MISTIQUE EVENTS; or unless required by the law.

MISTIQUE EVENTS may automatically collect anonymous information about visitors to its website, including IP address, referral website(if applicable), and country of origin. This anonymous information will not be used for linking to any of your personal information. The anonymous information is only used to create user profiles and to personalise the website to the visitors’ own interests.

Mailing List

If you have made a request to be notified about the latest updates and promotions from MISTIQUE EVENTS, its partners, associates, affiliates and agents, you will automatically be on our mailing list. However, if you wish to stop receiving any more updates and promotional material from us, just inform us via e-mail, to have your name removed from the mailing list. Should you change your mind later, you can request for resubscription by sending us an e-mail.

Linked Websites

MISTIQUE EVENTS is not responsible for the contents, privacy policies and practices of other websites, which are linked from its website, including the websites of its partners, associates, affiliates and agents. Please refer to the privacy policies and practices of the respective websites.

Further Questions

If you have further questions or concerns about the content, privacy policy and practices of this website, please contact MISTIQUE EVENTS.


As a visitor to this website, you agree to all the terms and conditions in this privacy policy; and in the Terms of Use section. MISTIQUE EVENTS reserves the right to modify this privacy policy at any time without prior notice.